Monday, November 16, 2015

The Blackheart (Pom & Par)

So I finished the initial specifications for the Blackheart. I like it but as the rules settle out, I will massage it a bit in regards to wording.

The Blackheart
As a child you didn't bother bullying the other children because you were too busy dissecting insects and animals. When a local witch died, you stole a glance at her corpse before they set about burning it. You got into fights not to prove your own strength but to test the pressure points on people. Growing up you spent more time studying people than interacting with them. They called you strange and antisocial but you were too busy learning all of their dark secrets and habits to care. It served you well when life forced you out on your own
Now when people need a dirty job done, they look you up. You've made coins breaking knees, stealing powders, and placing the occasional curse on someone. Now some of the locals are looking to tackle a dungeon or three and a friend of a friend gave them your name. Wonder what you will find down there? Wonder how many of them are coming back?
In General. The Blackheart is on a path that leads him or her away from the light. It is not that such a person is evil, but he or she pursues a path that doesn't create empathy with other people. Whatever dark impulse drives the Blackheart allows them to focus on the art of delivering pain and discomfort to the world around them. Ethically their minds are free of worry even if morally they fight for a good cause. A Blackheart gladly uses friend and foe alike to gain advantage over enemies or achieve goals and doesn't lose sleep over hurt feelings or dead friends.
On Priemordon. On the world of Priemordon, the Blackheart has caught the eye of the Old Daemor Tuonatar. The Lord of Death rarely touches soul of an adept, for his rituals are too dark and so his temples few. Where his hand does rest though is on the heart of those have been bruised by the world around them, but not broken. A single moment of thought against the established order allows Tuonatar to plant a seed and widen the gulf between his chosen and the rest of the world. Some resist his call and some die along the way, but those few who survive often rise to great power or prestige.
During his or her days as a Blackheart the adherent learns a great deal about the world, its people, and the best way to destroy them. As they move beyond their early training the Blackheart can pursue the path of the Assassin or the way of the Necromancer.
Abilities By Level
General Abilities
Physical Defense: +2
Magical Defense: +1
Wounds: 50 + 1d6 per level
Stamina: 50 +1d6 per level
First Level Blackheart Abilities
I Disappear. A Blackheart is excellent at using his or her innate experience and intimidation to fade from memory of those who may see them. This can be an informant or an enemy in combat. In non-combat situations the Blackheart can use this ability in conjunction with the Intimidation or Move Unseen skills. In either case, they use Willpower as the supporting stat.
1d20 + Int or MU + WP vs. the Target's WP + 10
Combat Skills. The Blackheart chooses four (4) weapons that he or she has trained in. These should be chosen from the Commoner Weapon List. An Blackheart is also trained in Dodge.
Armor Skills. The Blackheart is trained in Hide, Leathers, Quilted, and Brigandine armors.
General Skills. The Blackheart is trained in Black Lores, Intimidate, Move Unseen, Medicine, and three (3) other skills of his or her choice.
Second Level Blackheart Abilities
Combat Skills. The Blackheart learns two (2) weapons from the Militant Weapon List.
Deadly Punch. With their training in anatomy, the Blackheart is excellent at wounding an enemy and disabling them. When using the Deadly Punch, the Blackheart spends 2 Stamina and makes an attack as normal. If the attack hits, the Blackheart can do one of the following:
Inflict 4 Wounds in addition to their normal weapon damage
Inflict 10 Stamina instead of their normal weapon damage. This will normally stun or knockdown an opponent.
Third Level Blackheart Abilities
Necromancy Spells. The Blackheart may learn one (1) spell from the Necromancer spell list.
General Skills. The Blackheart may learn two (2) additional General Skills. He or she may also improve two (2) Trained skills to Expert.
Macabre Habits. After so many years studying the anatomy people and animals, a Blackheart can determine the cause of death of a corpse OR the reason a living person or animal is unresponsive or unconscious. This becomes more difficult as time passes.
1d20 + Med + INT
The Blackheart receives a +2 bonus for each Blackheart, Assassin, or Necromancer level. Base difficult is 10 for a corpse or limp body that has been this way for six hours or less. Difficulty rises by +3 for each additional six hours maxing out at +12 difficulty.
Determine Poison. By using Black Lore, a Blackheart can determine any type of normal poison just be interacting with it in a safe manner. The Blackheart can also handle poisons safely. This is mundane poisons only. Magical poisons are beyond the Blackheart's experience at this level.

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