Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Salt Island (Skaerune) & Oops

Let me get the boo boo out of the way first.

A Time For Wizards. This rpg will focus solely on magic characters in a fantasy (apocalypse) setting. The temptation is to allow in certain kinds of god magic and allow priests, but I want to break some tropes. So I am resisting those urges.  This game is all about wizards.

Salt Island. I have decided the default area for Skaerune (Q21 system, d100 game). I have a few vague ideas but certainly it will be flush with Rakshasa politics and First City magical relics.

Also I have not really thought about if I am going to spell it Raksasha, Rakshasha, or Raksasha yet. I am going with the latter for the moment.


Friday, October 16, 2015

Hail and Well Met

So for the time being this will be where I talk about the various games and other ideas I am working on. I am hoping by the beginning of the year to have a legitimate website with all sorts of bells and whistles. For now though this blog will do.

So let us get down to brass tacks as the kids say these days.

The Games

Pommels & Paradoxes. An OSR (Old School Renaissance) homage that makes enough to changes to feel modern even with some old school feels. This is the primary game I am working on at the moment. Pretty standard class progressions, with skills, with fewer modifiers and a nice setting to boot.

Skaerune. A BRP - like game, no classes, with hopefully a good magic system attached. Also comes with a nice setting (I think so). Additionally a space opera setting called Rune Worlds.

RingMail. A roll high d100 game with minimal stats, but some granularity with regard to health and stamina. Everything is a skill. No classes. Influenced by many games. Think this will end up a low art free game depending on how people like it.

Wind & Stone - MARK IV. A generic Wind & Stone system RPG design. Flexible stat and skill mixes, heavy focus on narrative action, with fast paced scenes.

Empire of the Dragon - Lotus (Wind & Stone Destiny) - A setting light and abstract rule set designed to enhance narrative play. Has been in design for many years, born of the Indie rpg movement. Some similar concepts to W&S Mark IV.

Some Other Stuff

Once Upon a Time In Space. Take standard fantasy, add in some western themes and drop them into a space setting. Will likely be 5e compatible. Homage to Spelljammer and Dragonstar.

Generic Fantasy Settings. Having a hard time finding a world to work in? No problem, here are five varied worlds you could play in all for a low low price.

Generic Science Fiction Settings: As with GFS, GSFS just does five science fiction settings.